Who We Are

Bishop Robert L. Middleton, Jr. serves as Senior Pastor of The Kingdom Embassy, Inc. (TKE) in Hamden, Connecticut alongside Co-Pastor and First Lady Lawanda D. Middleton. They have been happily married since 1993, with 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

In May of 2003 Bishop Middleton answered the commission to Pastor and birth New Beginnings Church of God In Christ. Through his obedience to the direction of God he has implemented a five-fold ministry focusing on Evangelism, Missions, Outreach, Worship, Teaching and Development.

Through this same obedience, Bishop Middleton announced in 2024 that at the start of 2025, New Beginnings Ministries would become the Kingdom Embassy, the first installment and home location of The Kingdom Assembly Fellowship.

Welcome, to The Kingdom Embassy!